The following table shows the percentages of buyers of four different brands of bathing soaps.
BrandABCDPercentage of buyers20%40%25%15%
Represent the above data by a pie chart.
Total percentage = 20 + 40 + 25 + 15 = 100%
BrandPercentage of buyersCentral angleA2020100×360∘=72∘B4040100×360∘=144∘C2525100×360∘=90∘D1515100×360∘=54∘Total100360∘
(i) Draw a circle with a suitable radius.(ii) Draw a horizontal radius.(iii) Starting from this radius, draw sectors of central angles 72∘, 144∘, 90∘, and 54∘ respectively.(iv) Now shade these sectors with different colours or designs as shown in the figure.