The electric current in a charging R-C circuit is given by i=ioe−tRC where io, R and C are constant parameter of the circuit and t is time. Find the rate of change of current at (x)t=0, (y)t=RC, (z)t=10 RC (i)−ioRC (ii)0 (iii)−ioRCe (iv)−ioRC10e (v)−ioe10RC
The electric current in a charging R-C circuit is given is given by i=ioe−tRC where io, R and C are constant parameter of the circuit and t is time. Find the rate of change of current at (x)t=0, (y)t=RC, (z)t=10 RC (i)−ioRC (ii)0 (iii)−ioRCe (iv)−ioRC10e (v)−ioe10RC