The least number which when divided by and leaves the remainder in each case. If the same number is divided by it leaves no remainder. The number is
The numbers and
Find out
We have to determine the least number which when divided by and leaves as a remainder and no remainder when divided by
Let us determine the of the numbers and
The value of obtained will be the smallest number that is exactly divisible by and
Multiples of ——— and so on
Multiples of ——— and so on
Multiples of ——— and so on
Multiples of ——— and so on
Multiples of ——— and so on
is the least common multiple for the numbers and
Hence, the LCM of and is .
Since the required number leaves the remainder when it is divisible by and no remainder when it is divisible by
Therefore the required number is of the form
is a multiple of
Now, let’s verify for is divisible by by substituting the natural numbers sequentially,
is not divisible by
is not divisible by
is not divisible by
is not divisible by
is divisible by
is divisible by
Hence, The least number is when divided by leaves a remainder , but when divided by there will be no remainder.