The remainder when 16902608+26081609 is divided by 7, is
In this case, we have to express 1690 and 2608 in terms of multiples of 7.
1690 = 7 × 241 + 3 and 2608 = 7 × 372 + 4
⇒ 16902608+26081609 = (7×241+3)2608+(7×372+4)1609
When we expand (7×241+3)2608, except the last term, every other term will be a multiple of 7.So we can write it as 7k + 32608
(The last term is 32608)
Similarly,we can write (7×372+4)1609 as 7m + 41609
Now the sum 16902608+26081609=7k+32608+7m+41609
To find the remainder, we will consider the terms 32608+41609 only.We have to express both the terms in terms of multiples of 7.
We know 33 = 27 = 28 - 1 = 4 * 7 -1
Also, 43=64=63+1=9∗7+1
In the expansion of (28−1)867,except the last term,every term will be a multiple of 28(and 7).So we can write (28−1)867 as
(28−1)867 = 7p - 1
Similarly, (63+1)563 can also be written as
(63+1)563 = 7q + 1
⇒ 32608+41609=3×(7p−1)+4×(7q+1)
= 7(3p + 4q) + 1
⇒ The remainder is 1