We see the sun's light is bright colour as White colour but when we light a candle it gives a yellowish colour .So,what is present in a candle which gives a yellowish colour instead of a awhite colour as sun has?
Generally, two things influence the color of a flame. One is the material that is burning, the other is the temperature of the flame.
Candle flames are low temperature (as compare to other flames) and so they are yellow. Hotter flames are bluer, and blue light is more energetic than yellow light. So candle flame are yellow because they are the result of burning low energy fuel in a low oxygen content, and so they are not very hot.
There is yellow colour because the carbon particles do not get sufficient oxygen. Therefore the there is unburnt carbon particles. Now the unburnt carbon particles change into colur of yellow .
Where as sun is millions of degrees hot.Since the hottest substance produce white colour,sun looks white.