What are the kingdoms included in five-kingdom classification?
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Five-kingdom classification:
Robert Whittaker in 1969 grouped living species into five kingdoms, which are as follows:
Kingdom Monera: Monera is made up of unicellular, prokaryotic, tiny, and most ancient species. It includes bacteria, blue-green algae or cyanobacteria, and mycoplasma.
Kingdom Protista: Protists have a cell body with a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. It includes unicellular algae, diatoms or Protozoans.
Kingdom Fungi: These are basic non-green plants, and so heterotrophic. It includes yeast, mushrooms, smut, bread mould, green mould etc.
Kingdom Plantae: These creatures have cell walls and are multicellular, eukaryotic, and autotrophic. It includes photosynthetic algae and all plants.
Kingdom Animalia: These creatures are multicellular and eukaryotic, having no cell walls. It includes mammals, reptiles and arthropoda etc.