Dear student
Thyroid gland produces two hormone:- 1) Thyroxine 2) Calcitonin
1) Thyroxine contain an iodine compound and it is concerned with metabolic activities and oxidation process in tissues.
2) Calcitonin produced by C-cell of thyroid gland .It regulates calcium level of the blood .
There are two types of disorder :- hyposecretion also called as under secretion and hypersecretion also called as over secretion .
Hyposecretion causes simple goitre ( swelling in the neck region ) , cretinism (mental retardation and dwarfism) and myxodema (person becomes sluggish ,swelling on face and hands.)
Hypersecretion causes Exophthalmic goitre ( increased metabolism ,breathlessness and protiding eyes) .