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What are the various enzymatic types of glandular secretions in our gut helping digestion of food? What is the nature of end products obtained after complete digestion of food?

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Glandular secretions :

The various enzymatic types of glandular secretion in the gut include:
● Saliva
● Gastric juice
● Pancreatic juice
● Succus entericus

Saliva :

Saliva from the salivary glands contains water, mucus, salivary amylase (ptyalin), ions, IgA etc.

Gastric juice :

Gastric juice from the gastric glands contains \(HCl\), intrinsic factor, pepsinogen, prorenin, mucus, and small amounts of gastric lipases.

Pancreatic juice :

Pancreatic juice from the pancreas contains amylase, lipase, nuclease, trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidase.

Succus entericus :

Succus entricus from the intestinal glands contains dipeptidase, maltase, sucrase, lipase, nucleotidase, nucleosidase, lactase.

End products :

The nature of end products obtained after complete digestion of food is as follows:-

● Amino acids
● Glucose
● Fructose
● Nitrogenous bases
● Fatty acids and glycerols

Digestion and end products :
Complex nutrient Location of digestion Enzymes involved Final end product
Carbohydrate Mouth Amylase
Duodenum Pancreatic amylase
Ileum Maltases, lactases, sucrases Monosaccharides
Proteins Stomach Pepsin, renin
Trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase
Ileum Dipeptidases Amino acids
Lipids Duodenum Pancreatic lipase
Intestinal lipase
Fatty acids and glycerol
Nucleic acids Duodenum Nucleases
Ileum Nucleotidases, nucleosidases
Sugars and bases

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