what is microbes
A microbe is a microscopic organism. Microbes can be multi-cellular or single-celled organisms and include bacteria, protozoa, and some fungi and algae. Microbes can be found in every type of environment, and play a crucial role in ecosystems because they act as decomposers. Microbes can be either beneficial or harmful to plants.
Microbes are also referred to as microorganisms
Microbes play an important role in the health and vitality of plants. This is because many microbes aid in the process of delivering and recycling nutrients in the soil. Microbes can break down large pieces of organic matter and turn it into much more simple chemical components. This process makes the individual chemical components easier for plants to absorb and utilize. One important nutrient that microbes provide is nitrogen.
Additionally, some microbes can act as a type of natural defense against diseases for plants. For example, when plants are exposed to one particular type of microbe, they can develop a strong immunity against diseases like salmonella. This is particularly important in crop plants as salmonella, along with other microbes, can be fatal to humans.
Although microbes can be beneficial to plants, others can be harmful to plants. Some pathogens can create toxins that attack plants or other potentially helpful microbes. Additionally, some microbes like fungi, can kill or wreak havoc on plants and gardens. However, it is important to note that for optimal soil and plant conditions gardeners should have a good balance of microbes in the soil.