Solubility - Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical substance called solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid, or gaseous solvent. A substance may dissolve in a solvent, and it may not. For instance, salt dissolves easily in water : Salt is said to have a high solubility in water. However, sand does not dissolve appreciably in water : Sand has low or no solubility in water.
Saturation - Type of solution formed on dissolving the solute.
Kinds of SaturationDefinitionSaturated solutionA solution with solute thatdissolves unit it is unableto dissolve anymore solute,leaving the undissolved substancesat the bottomUnsaturated SolutionA solution(with less solutethan the saturated solution)that completely dissolves,leaving no remaining substances.Supersaturated SolutionA solution(with more solutethan the saturated solution)that contains more undissolvedsolute than the saturatedsolution because of its tendency tocrystallize and precipitate