What is the number of -digit number that can be formed using the digits , and , without repeating a digit in any number?
Number of -digit number that can be formed using the digits , and , without repeating a digit in any number:
Step 1: If is at the hundred place:
It would result in two numbers i.e. and . But these are -digit number.
So, this case is not possible.
Step 2: If is at the hundred place:
It would result in two numbers i.e. and .
So, two numbers can be formed in this case.
Step 3: If is at the hundred place:
It would result in two numbers i.e. and .
So, two numbers can be formed in this case as well.
Thus, in total four -digit number numbers can be formed using the digits , and , without repeating a digit in any number i.e. , , and .