Rethink is the first of the 6R's of sustainability.
“Rethink” means we should be mindful of consumption habits .
This principle is to rethink our daily choices, considering the natural resources of the planet are limited and need to be preserved.
For example : Can I use something that I already have instead of purchasing a new product?
Repair :
Repair means if something is broken, we should first consider repairing it instead of replacing it with a new product.
Refuse :
Refuse is the most important step of sustainability, it means that we should avoid purchasing or even getting for free something that is not essential or important.
Like avoid purchasing single use bad instead carry reusable bags.
Recycle :
Recycle” is defined as the return of items to an earlier stage of the production cycle usually as raw materials.
Separating garbage in things such as paper, plastic, metals, glass, electronics and organic materials is the first very important step that can make recycling easier.
Reuse :
The definition of reuse is simply to use again.
Reuse means that we should consider potential ways to use again an old item instead of getting rid of it.
Reduce :
For a more sustainable lifestyle, we should all be reducing our consumption to only what is necessary.
Reduce represents a fundamental and practical step towards reducing environmental footprint.
For example : Switch off the lights when a person are not in the room, avoid getting new clothes if you have plenty of clothes you haven't use.