Apiculture, also known as beekeeping, is a profession that entails caring for bees in order to obtain bee products such as beeswax, honey, royal jelly, flower pollen, and bee pollen.
An apiarist or beekeeper is a person who is in charge of collecting honey from bees.
Their principal responsibilities include collecting flower pollen, bee pollen, honey, and beeswax for fertilizing crops and breeding bees to sell to other apiarists.
A bee yard or apiary is the site where bees are kept for livelihood, which is additional noteworthy detail about apiculture.
Honey is the primary reason bees are raised. Additionally, beekeeping is another way that we get beeswax.
From plant sugar secretions, bees make honey. Beeswax has significant commercial value in addition to honey, which is a common ingredient in many foods.
In addition to coating cheese and being a culinary ingredient, it is utilized in the cosmetic and medicinal industries. Additionally, it serves as the primary ingredient in the creation of candles and polishes for furniture, shoes, and other items.
The following are beekeeping's key benefits: provides bee wax, used in various industries, including those of cosmetics, polishing, and pharmaceuticals, as well as honey, the most important nutrient-dense food. The finest pollinators that increase crop productivity are bees thereby increasing yield.