What is wrongly stated about electrochemical series
Electrochemical series compare the relative reactivity of metals.
Electrochemical series is a series of elements arranged in increasing order of their reduction potential and E0H+/H2=0. The metals above H2 have – ve reduction potential, they are more reactive than hydrogen whereas metals below hydrogen are less reactive than H2. Reduction potential of metal depends upon (i) sublimation energy (ii) ionization energy and (iii) hydration energy of ions.
Which of the following is best reducing agent?
Ivana the Innovative decided to make a new electrochemical series taking the Zn2+/Zn electrode as the base standard, considering its reduction potential as 0 and calculating all others relative to it. Statement 1 - It is possible to do such a thing. Statement 2 - We need to calculate relative values because absolute values cannot be determined.