These enzymes have the ability to recognize and cut specific nucleotide sequences.
These fall under the family of nucleases.
These are of three types- type-I, type-II, and type-II.
Type-I restriction endonuclease: Type-I restriction endonuclease recognize specific DNA nucleotide sequences but do not produce a predictable cleavage pattern.
Type-II restriction endonuclease: Type-II restriction endonuclease recognizes specific DNA nucleotide sequences and cleaves both the strands.
Type-III restriction endonuclease: Type-III restriction endonuclease recognize a specific palindromic sequence that consists of two inversely oriented sited.
EcoRI is a type-II restriction endonuclease.
Type-II restriction endonuclease recognizes specific DNA nucleotide sequences and cleaves both the strands.
This type of endonucleases is only used for restriction mapping and gene cloning in view of their cleavage action only at specific sites.
This type of restriction endonuclease enzyme requires only Mg+ for its functioning.