Thomas Cavalier-Smith reclassified prokaryotes into two separate kingdoms.
According to this prokaryotic monera was classified into bacteria and archaea.
This new system of classification has seven kingdoms.
They are the smallest of free-living organisms.
They are unicellular.
I'll even hook in pond water.
Bacteria are grouped under four categories based on their shape. The spherical coccus, the rod-shaped Bacillus, the comma-shaped vibrio, and the spiral-shaped spirillum
In comparison to many other organisms, bacteria as a group shows the most extensive metabolic diversity.
Bacteria are auto-trophic. They may be photosynthetic or chemosynthetic autotrophic.
The vast majority of bacteria are heterotrophs.
Their structure includes capsule, cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleoid plasmid, flagella or fimbriae.
They live in some of the harshest habitats
Halophile bacteria are living in salty areas.
Bacterias living in hot springs are called Thermoacidophiles.
Bacteria living in marshy areas are called methanogens.
They differ in their cell wall structure.
A purple pigmented membrane has bacteriorhodopsin, it is developed in sunlight and utilizes light energy for metabolic activities in halophiles.
Thermoacidophiles are aerobic bacteria and have the capacity to organize sulfur to sulfuric acid at higher temperatures and high acidity.