Which of the following features is seen in aquatic plants ?
aerenchyma tissue
The correct is option D :
Explanation of the correct option :
1- When parenchyma tissue is having air sacs it is known as aerenchyma.
2- Aerenchyma tissue is found in aquatic plants as it helps the plant to float.
Explanation of the incorrect option :
Option A :
Thick cuticle is found in xerophytic plants to prevent the loss of water from stem and leaves. Instead of cuticle , aquatic plants have mucilage covering to prevent them from decay.
Option B :
Root system is either absent or poorly developed in aquatic plants because they absorb water from their surrounding with the help of their general surface.
Option C :
Sunken stomata is found in desert plants to prevent the loss of water. In aquatic plants either the stomata are, absent in submerged plants or if they are present they are well-developed in floating leaf hydrophytes and free-floating hydrophytes.