The correct option is B Methylophilus methylotrophus
Bacillus thuringiensis :
Bacillus thuringiensis is used as a biological pesticide globally.
Azospirillum :
Azospirillum helps in nitrogen fixation.
Azospirillum helps in nitrogen fixation.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be used as SCP. 30 to 50% of its dry weight is made up of protein but bacteria has 50 to 80% of its dry weight as protein.
Methylophilus methylotrophus
Methylophilus methylotrophus is a bacterial species that is used as SCP. Since it has a high rate of growth (generation time- 2 hours), the production of protein per day is 25 tonnes (25×103kg) which is much higher than the regular food sources of protein. It has 50 to 80% of its dry weight as protein.