Write a short note on functional group isomerism.
Isomerism is the phenomenon in which the chemical formula of the compounds is the same but the structural formula is different. Isomerism is divided into two categories; Structural isomerism and stereoisomerism.
(a) Structural isomers are of six types:
1. Chain isomers
2. Positional isomers
3. Functional isomers
4. Metamerism isomers
5. Tautomerism isomers
6. Ring-chain isomers
(b) Stereoisomerism. is divided into two types:
1. Geometrical isomers
2. Optical isomers
The compound that has the same chemical formula but a different functional group present in the compound is called functional group isomerism.
Example: The functional group isomers of the compound with the molecular formula is Propanal () and Propanone ().
In propanal , the functional group is aldehyde and in Propanone, the functional group is ketone present.