Homogeneous Mixture
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Define homogeneous mixture:
Is Air a mixture, compound, or element?
What is a homogeneous medium?
What name is given to the solution which contains more solute than that required to prepare saturated solution at that temperature?
A homogeneous mixture is a type of mixture where the components do not dissolve in each other and can be seen with naked eye.
What is the purity of pure gold in carat?
- Salt
- Sugar
- Kerosene
- Sand
Soil is a _______________ mixture, while ice cream is a _____________ mixture. (homogeneous/heterogeneous).
Air shows the property of :
None of these
- True
- False
- Cookie
- Iron
- Brass
- Pizza
Define Dilute solution
Which of the following are homogeneous in nature?
(i) ice (ii) wood (iii) soil (iv) air
(i) and (iii)
(ii) and (iv)
(i) and (iv)
(iii) and (iv)
A solid-liquid homogeneous mixture
A solid-solid homogeneous mixture
A solid-liquid heterogeneous mixture
A pure substance
- carbon monoxide, hydrogen
- Carbon dioxide, hydrogen
- Carbon dioxide, nitrogen
- Carbon monoxide, nitrogen
- Sugar
- Brass
- Ice
- Steam
List the points of difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous substances.
Water vapour
- carbon monoxide, hydrogen
- Carbon dioxide, hydrogen
- Carbon dioxide, nitrogen
- Carbon monoxide, nitrogen
Match the entries in Column - I with those in Column - II
Column - IColumn - IIa.A chalk water1A gaseousmixturemixtureb.A glucose2A heterogeneoussolutionsolid-liquid mixturec.Carbonated3A homogeneouswatersolid-liquid mixtured.Air4.A gas-liquid mixture
a - 1, b - 4, c - 2, d - 3
a - 2, b - 4, c - 3, d - 1
a - 2, b - 3, c - 4, d - 1
a - 2, b - 4, c - 1, d - 3
- Spontaneous
- Crackers
- Rapid
- Phosphorus
- Explosion
- Matchstick
Give an example each for solid-liquid and solid-solid types of a homogeneous mixture.
10. Air is a
pure substance.
a heterogeneous mixture
a homogeneous mixture.
none of the above.
In a solution solute is a component having ___________.
Which of the following is homogeneous in nature?
- Sugar and oil
- Sugar and salt
- Glucose in water
- Soap solution
Define mixtures. Mention the different types of mixtures.
- True
- False
- Alloys
- Sea water
- Soda pop
- Gasoline
- Alloys
- Ceramics
- Metals
- None of above