Anatomy of the Kidney
Trending Questions
What organs are located on the left side of your body below the rib cage?
Describe the excretory system of human beings.
Describe the structure of a human kidney with the help of a labelled diagram.
- Convoluted tubules
- Collecting ducts
- Henle's loop
- Peritubular capillaries
- Cortex
- Medulla
- Hilum
- Calyx
- renal cortex
- renal column
- renal calyces
- renal pyramid
Name the following:
Cortical portions projecting between the medullary pyramids in the human kidney
The cells named podocytes occur in
- The inner wall of Bowman’s capsule
- The outer wall of Bowman’s capsule
- In the wall of the glomerulus
In the wall of Henle’s loop
- calyx
- hilum
- cortex
- Glomerulus
Blood enters the kidneys via:
renal veins
renal arteries
- medulla into cortex
- cortex into medulla
- renal pelvis into renal pyramid
- renal pelvis into renal cortex
- Renal vein
- Urethra
- Lymphatic vessel
- Renal pyramid
- Renal lobe
- Renal artery
- Ureter
- Nerves
- renal cortex
- renal column
- renal calyces
- renal pyramid
What Is The Purpose Of The Parietal Operculum?

Kidney Urinary bladder
- Dorsal aorta
- Renal vein
- Renal artery
- Hepatic vein
How does high blood pressure affect the kidneys?
- Minor calyx
- Major calyx
- Medullary pyramids
- Medullary papilla
- Hypotonic urine production
- Excess secretion of uric acid
- Loop of Henle
- Hormone production
Where Can Renal Pelvis Be Seen?
Which of the following is the correct labelling of parts of the kidney?
1 - Renal vein, 2 - Renal artery, 3 - Ureter, 4 - Renal cortex, 5 - Renal medulla, 6 - Renal column
1 - Renal artery, 2 - Renal vein, 3 - Ureter, 4 - Renal medulla, 5 - Renal cortex, 6 - Renal column
1 - Renal artery, 2 - Ureter, 3 - Renal vein, 4 - Renal cortex, 5 - Renal medulla, 6 - Renal column
1 - Renal artery, 2 - Renal vein, 3 - Ureter, 4 - Renal cortex, 5 - Renal medulla, 6 - Renal column
In human kidneys, renal tubule and renal corpuscle are parts of:
renal cavity
renal pyramid
- calyx
- cortex
- hilum
- Glomerulus
kidney, heart, vein, artery, valves
The broad part of ureter in the mammalian kidney is
- That connects arteriole with venule
- That connects venule with lymph vessel
- That connects the artery and vein
- That connects the artery with lymphatic vessel
- Skeletal system
- Brain
- Kidneys
- Both A and B
Given below is the set of five terms rewrite the terms in logical sequence as directed at the end of each statement.
Renal vein, renal artery, afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole, glomerulus(pathway of blood through glomerulus).