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Describe hybridisation in the case of PCl5 and SF6. The axial bonds are longer as compared to equatorial bonds in PCl5 whereas in SF6 axial bonds and equatorial bonds have the same bond length. Explain.

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Hybridisation and structure of PCl5

  • Five sp3d hybrid orbitals of Phosphorus atom in PCl5 are filled by five Cl atoms.
  • Shape of PCl5 is trigonal bipyramidal.

Hybridisation and structure of SF6:

  • Six sp3d2 hybridised orbitals of S in SF6 are filled by six fluorine atoms.
  • Shape of SF6 is octahedral.

Axial and equatorial bonds in PCl5 molecule

  • Three PCl bond lie in one plane and make an angle of 120 with each other; these bonds are termed as equatorial bonds. The remaining two PCl bonds, one lying above and the other lying below the equatorial plane, make an angle of 90 with the plane. These bonds are called axial bonds.
  • The axial bond pairs suffer more repulsive interaction than the equatorial bond pairs, therefore axial bonds have been found to be slightly longer than the equatorial bonds.

Axial and equatorial bonds in SF6 molecule

  • The shape of the SF6 molecule is octahedral. In this case all bonds experience similar repulsion. So, all bonds are of the same length

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