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Discuss the advantages of GMO.

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Genetically modified organisms are plants or animals with certain genes altered in their genetic material. In other words, genetically modified organisms are organisms, which include microbes, plants, and animals, whose DNA has been modified using some genetic engineering techniques.

Advantages of GMO

The benefits of Genetically Modified Organisms include the following:

  • GMOs improve the quality of food that is cultivated.
  • GMOs are simpler to grow.
  • They increase the yield that a person can produce on their current land.
  • GMOs can be shipped to remote parts of the earth.
  • GMO crops use fewer chemicals than other crops.
  • GMOs can conserve water, soil, and energy.

Genetically Modified Plants

  • They enhance the yield of the crops, which can help meet the population's increasing demand.
  • These crops are less dependent on pesticides and insecticides as they are genetically resistant to pests. Examples include Bt cotton and Bt corn.
  • They have enhanced nutritional content. For example, golden rice has been engineered to contain the gene encoding for the precursor of vitamin A.
  • These crops have been engineered to have decreased post-harvest losses. Examples include ‘Flavr Savr’, which is a variety of tomatoes.

Genetically Modified Animals

  • They can be used as model organisms to study diseases, treatments, vaccines and the toxicity of chemicals.
  • They can improve the quality and quantity of milk, meat etc., produced. For example, sheep’s milk with alpha-1 antitrypsin.

Genetically Modified Microorganisms

  • They can be used to produce insulin, hepatitis B vaccine, growth hormone etc.

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