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(i) Write IUPAC name of the following compound:

(ii) Write IUPAC name of the following compound:

(iii) Write IUPAC name of the following compound:
(iv) Write IUPAC name of the following compound:

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(i) Identification of parent chain:
First of all, identify the longest carbon chain in the given compound. In the given compound, the longest chain has ten carbons, and it is considered as the parent or root chain.

Assign number to parent chain :
The longest chain of carbon atoms containing the functional group is numbered in such a way that the functional group is attached at the carbon atom possessing lowest possible number in the chain.

The C=C functional groups are present at carbon atoms 3 and 6 this group is indicated by suffixes ‘ene’ and substituent (CH3) is present at carbon atoms 2 and 8.
Hence, the name of the compound is 2,8Dimethyl3,6decadiene.

Final answer : The IUPAC name of the given compound is 2,8Dimethyl3,6decadiene.

(ii) Identification of parent chain:
First of all, identify the longest carbon chain in the given compound. In the given compound, the longest chain has eight carbons, and it is considered as the parent or root chain.

Assign number to parent chain :
The longest chain of carbon atoms containing the functional group is numbered in such a way that the functional group is attached at the carbon atom possessing lowest possible number in the chain.

The C=C functional groups are present at carbon atoms 1, 3, 5 and 7 this group is indicated by suffixes ‘ene’.
Hence, the name of the compound is 1,3,5,7octatetraene.

Final answer: The IUPAC name of the given compound is 1,3,5,7octatetraene.

(iii) Identification of parent chain :
First of all, identify the longest carbon chain including double bond (=) in the given compound. In the given compound, the longest chain has five carbons, and it is considered as the parent or root chain.

Assign number to parent chain :
The longest chain of carbon atoms containing the functional group is numbered in such a way that the functional group is attached at the carbon atom possessing lowest possible number in the chain.

The C=C functional groups are present at carbon atom 1 this group is indicated by suffixes ‘ene’.
Hence, the name of the compound is 2nPropylpent1ene.

Final answer: The IUPAC name of the given compound is 2nPropylpent1ene.

(iv) Identification of parent chain :
First of all, identify the longest carbon chain in the given compound. In the given compound, the longest chain has ten carbons, and it is considered as the parent or root chain.

Assign number to parent chain :
The longest chain of carbon atoms containing the functional group is numbered in such a way that the functional group is attached at the carbon atom possessing lowest possible number in the chain.

The C=C functional groups are present at carbon atom 4 this group is indicated by suffixes ‘ene’.
Hence, the name of the compound is 4Ethyl2,6dimethyldec4ene.

Final answer: The IUPAC name of the given compound is 4Ethyl2,6dimethyldec4ene.

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