To find the greatest 6-digit number with 9,0,5, and 6, using any two digits twice.
The leftmost digit it will be 9, as it’s the largest digit among the given digits..
We have to use 2 digits twice, so the 2nd leftmost digit will be 9 too.
6 is the largest digit after 9 among the given digits.
So, we have the greatest 6-digit number with 9966 as the first four digits..
5 and 0 will be at ten's place and one's place respectively.
Hence, the greatest number of 6 digits, using two digits twice will be 996650.
Next, we have to form the smallest 6-digit number, using two digits twice.
The first two leftmost digits will be 5 among the given digits. As, if we take 0 then the number won't be of 6 digits.
So, we can write the smallest number of 6 digits, using two digits twice as 550069.