Obtain the expression for the effective emf and the effective internal resistance of two cells connected in parallel such that the currents are flowing in the same direction.
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Let ε1 and ε2 be the emfs of the two cells connected in parallel. Let r1 and r2 be their intermal resistance respectively I1 and I2 are the currents leaving the positive electrodes of the cells. At B1, currents I1 and I2 flow in whereas the current I flows out. Therefore I=I1+I2 Let V1 and V2 be the potentials at B1 and B2 respectively. P.d across the first cell is V1−V2=V=ε1−I1r1 P.d across the second cell is also V1−V2=V=ε1−I1r1 Hence I1=ε1−Vr1 and I2=ε2−Vr2 I=I1+I2=ε1−Vr1+ε2−Vr2 I=ε1r1−Vr1+ε2r2−Vr2 I=(ε1r1+ε2r1)−V(Vr1+Vr2) I=ε1r2+ε2r1r1r2−V(r1+r2r1r2) V(r1+r2r1r2)=ε1r2+ε2r1r1r2−I V(r1+r2)=ε1r2+ε2r1−Ir1r2 V=ε1r2+ε2r1r1+r2−I(r1r2r1+r2) If the parallel combination of cell is replaced by a single cell between B1 and B2 of emf εP and intermal resistance rp then, V=εP−Irp Comparing the above equations εP=ε1r2+ε2r1r1+r2 and rP=r1r2r1+r2OR1rP=1r1+1r2