What are the three hormones that regulate the urine volume?
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The chemical messengers in the human body are called hormones.
They are released by ductless glands directly into the bloodstream.
They reach their target organ directly through the bloodstream.
Hormones regulating urine volume:
The urine volume regulation is maintaining the electrolyte in balance.
The hormones that are responsible for urine volume are Aldosterone, Antidiuretic hormone and Atrial natriuretic peptide.
The adrenal cortex releases this hormone. Adrenal glands secret this hormone.
The main role of aldosterone is regulating water and salt content in the human body thus affecting blood pressure.
Antidiuretic hormone:
The posterior pituitary secrets this hormone.
It is mainly involved in regulating and balancing the amount of water in the blood and increasing the glomerular blood flow by increasing the blood pressure.
Atrial natriuretic peptide:
The heart secrets this hormone upon blood pressure.
Atrial Natriuretic Factor is a peptide hormone released from the atrial wall.
It is secreted in response to high blood pressure.
It causes dilation of blood vessels and thereby reduces blood pressure.