Nomenclature of Single Branch Saturated Hydrocarbon
Write the IUPAC name of
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IUPAC name:
The worldwide using chemical names are created and developed by IUPAC.
There are certain rules for naming the compounds.
Rules for naming a compound:
The longest carbon chain should be identified whether it may be a straight or branched chain.
The numbering of the carbon chain should give the lowest number to the functional groups.
If the same substituent is attached to the same carbon, then it will be called di, tri or tetra.
The different names should be used for different substituents present in the compound and also mention their positions.
If two substituents present at the same carbon, on naming this the substituent, the alphabetically first substituent should be named first.
Naming given compound:
Step : Finding the parent chain
As the given compound contains five carbon out of which three-similar groups are attached to the same carbon. In which two of them were locants so, totally three carbon, the root word for this is the prop.
Step : Naming and positioning the locants
In the compound, two same locants are there i.e dimethyl that is attached at the position of the second carbon so the position is -dimethyl
Step : Finding a functional group
There is one functional group in compound I,e: aldehyde gives suffix of -al.
Now on adding prefix and suffix, the IUPAC name of the compound is dimethylpropanal.