Heat Zones of the earth:
1. Torrid Zone:
- Torrid means hot.
- This zone receives the maximum amount of heat throughout the year, because the rays of the Sun fall vertically on this zone. - This zone is located between the Tropic of Cancer
2. Temperate Zone:
- The temperate zones lie in both the hemispheres.
- North temperate zone lies in northern hemisphere between Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle.
- South temperate zone lies in the southern hemisphere between the Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle.
- These zones are neither too hot nor too cold.
3. Frigid Zone:
- Frigid means cold.
- Beyond the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle temperatures are very low and the climate is very cold.
- This is due to the extreme slanting of the Sun's rays.
- The North Frigid Zone lies between the Arctic Circle
(6612∘N) and the North Pole in the Northern hemisphere.
- The South Frigid Zone lies between Antarctic Circle
(6612∘S) and the South Pole in the Southern hemisphere.