Diodes are used to protect circuits by limiting voltage and converting alternating current to direct current . Semiconductors such as silicon and germanium are used to create the best diodes.
Alternating current (AC) is an electric current that alternately reverses direction and changes magnitude over time.
Direct current (DC) is the passage of electric charge in only one direction. A good example of DC power is an electrochemical cell. Direct current can flow via a conductor like a wire, but it can also flow through semiconductors, insulators, or even vacuum-like electron or ion beams.
The diode must be connected to a multimeter in forward and reverse bias, and the corresponding reading must be recorded.
In forward bias, a good diode will read between .
For a good diode, the multimeter reading will be 0 in reverse bias.
If the diode is faulty, the multimeter will read similarly in both directions.