How many numbers of two digits are divisible by 5?
Step1: Calculation of and the last term.
Let numbers of two digits be divisible by 5.
All the 2 digit numbers divisible by 5 forms an A.P. series having a common difference .
The smallest two-digit number divisible by 5 is 10.
Thus, the first term of this A.P. series is .
The largest two-digit number divisible by 5 is 95.
Thus, the last or th term of this A.P. series is .
Step2: Calculation of the number of two-digit numbers divisible by 5.
The th term of an A.P. is given by the formula , where is the first term and is the common difference.
Substitute the values , and in equation and solve for .
Final Answer: There exist 18 numbers of two digits that are divisible by 5.