How will you convert ethanal into butane-1,3-diol?
Aldol condensation:
Aldol Condensation in Aldehydes with Base as a Catalyst:
Step 1: The α-Hydrogen from the base is removed
Step 2: Then the carbanion is formed which undergoes a nucleophilic addition reaction with the carbonyl group present in the second molecule of the aldehyde Step 3: Then the formation of the condensation product.
Step 4: Protonation of alkoxide ions will occur due to a reaction with water.
Step 5: The heating of the aldol compound in the basic solution will help in dehydrating the product to form ‐unsaturated aldehyde compound.
Ethanal to butane-1,3-diol:
Step 1: Aldol condensation reaction
Step 2 Reduction:
3−Hydroxybutanal is further reacted by any reducing reagent ( or ) and that will convert the terminal aldehyde group into alcohol to form Butane−1,3−diol.