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Isotherms of carbon dioxide at various temperatures are represented in Fig. 5.5. Answer the following questions based on this figure.

A) In which state will CO2 exist between the points a and b at temperature T1 ?

B) At what point will CO2 start liquefying when temperature is T1 ?

C) At what point will CO2 be completely liquefied when temperature is T2 ?

D) Will condensation take place when the temperature is T3?

E) What portion of the isotherm at T1 represents liquid and gaseous CO2 at equilibrium?

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CO2 exists in the gaseous state between the points a and b at temperature T1.


At temperature T1,CO2 starts liquefying at point b as shown in the above graph.


At the temperature T2,CO2 will be completely liquefied at the point g. Because in the curve at the temperature T2, point f to g represents the phase where the gas is being converted to liquid and at point g all the gas has been converted to liquid.


As stated in the graph:
T3>TC>T2>T1 Temperature T3>TC (critical temperature), so condensation will not take place when the temperature is T3. Because critical temperature is the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquified and T3 is greater than TC.


At the temperature T1 curve, the equilibrium of liquid and gaseous state of CO2 is represented between the point’s b and c. Because between the points b and c, the pressure being the constant and volume of gas decreases till point c so between these points CO2 gas partially exists as in liquid and in the gaseous state i.e. existing in equilibrium.

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