A lichen is actually a symbiotic relationship between different organisms.
It is consist of a fungal partner (mycobiont) and a photosynthetic partner (photobiont).
The photosynthetic partner is generally green algae or cyanobacteria.
The three morphological types of lichens are
Fruticose (leafless): fruticose lichens have no distinct top and bottom and are often round in cross-section. Their thalli may be upright, shrubby, or of pendulous strands.
Foliose (leaf-like)- foliose lichens are leaflike in both appearance and structure. They attach to their substrate loosely.
Crustose (crust-like): crustose lichens are "crust-like." They are tightly attached to or embedded in their substrate, and have no lower cortex. These consists of 75% of all lichens.