Russel von Rosenhoff made the discovery of the amoeba in 1755. T
The biology of amoeba has been extensively described by H.I. Hirschfied (1962).
It can be discovered in freshwater. Lobo podia are a type of pseudopodia. For osmoregulation, a contractile vacuole is present.
The contractile vacuole of an amoeba is frequently surrounded by an accumulation of mitochondria.
Ectoplasm and endosperm are two types of cytoplasm. Plasmagel and plasmasol are two other forms of endoplasm.
The plasma lemma covers the body in its entirety. Food is holozoic in nature.
Amoeboid Pseudopodia, which are transient protoplasmic outgrowths, are developed by protozoans.
They come in four different varieties: Lobo podia, which is broad and blunt, filopodia, which is thin and independent, axopodia, which is thin with axial support, and reticuiopodia (slender, reticulate).
The pseudopodium is thick or broad and has a blunt or rounded tip.
They are ectoplasmic and endoplasmic extensions.
Example: Amoeba, Entamoeba
They are thin, slender, and often branching structures
It is the extension of only ectoplasm.
Example: Eglypha, Chhydophrys
More branching and rejoining of fine threads finally form a dense network. (Example: Globigerim)
Long thin, but complex pseudopodia that can be extended and retracted. (Example: Acfinophrys)