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What are convection, conduction, and radiation?

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  1. Conduction is a heat transfer process that takes between objects which are in direct contact.
  2. Conduction occurs due to differences in temperature through molecular collisions.
  3. Conduction is a very slow process.
  4. The matter is present around in different forms solid, liquid, and gas.
  5. The conversion of matter from one form to another takes place due to the transfer of heat between its surroundings.
  6. This transfer of heat can be due to conduction.


  1. Convection is a heat transfer process that takes between fluids inside.
  2. Convection occurs due to differences in density through matter flow.
  3. Convection is also a very slow process.
  4. Conduction is a heat transfer process through which heat transfer is achieved through direct contact.
  5. Conduction is a heat transfer process through which heat transfer is achieved through the movement of the liquid or gases.
  6. Convection currents are circulation patterns that occur in the atmosphere, ocean, and the Earth's mantle as a result of this flow.
  7. Convection is the movement of gas caused by the flow of heated materials.
  8. The matter is present around in different forms solid, liquid, and gas.
  9. The conversion of matter from one form to another takes place due to the transfer of heat between its surroundings.
  10. This transfer of heat can be due to conduction or convection.


  1. Radiation is a heat transfer process through which heat transfer is achieved through thermal emission.
  2. The quickest way of heat transport is radiation, while conduction is the slowest mode. Convection currents are the result of differential heating.
  3. When cold material falls heavier, lighter (less dense) warm material grows (denser).
  4. Radiant heat is the name for thermal radiation.
  5. The emission of electromagnetic waves results in the production of thermal radiation.
  6. The energy from the producing body is removed by these waves.
  7. A vacuum or transparent media, which can be made of solid or liquid, is used for radiation transmission.
  8. The random mobility of matter molecules produces thermal radiation.
  9. The emission of electromagnetic radiation is caused by the motion of charged protons and electrons, which tells us more about the transport of heat by radiation.
  10. Thermocouples are instruments used to quantify heat transfer by radiation.
  11. The temperature is measured using a thermocouple.
  12. Sometimes, this instrument makes a mistake while determining the temperature using radiation.

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