CSIR NET Physics Syllabus: Download Physical Science Syllabus PDF

For candidates aiming for a career in Physics, it is crucial to familiarise themselves with the comprehensive CSIR NET Physics syllabus. This syllabus encompasses a wide range of topics from physics and plays a significant role in candidates preparing for the CSIR NET Physics exam.

Understanding the syllabus thoroughly enables candidates to comprehend the structure and exam pattern, assess the importance of all topics, and gauge the exam level. To access CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus for the examination, please download it from the provided link.

CSIR NET Physics Syllabus

A detailed understanding of the CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus for candidates planning to take the CSIR NET physics exam is essential. It is suggested that candidates commence their exam preparation early, as it covers a vast array of advanced sections. The syllabus is divided into three sub-sections:

  • Part A: (Questions based on Reasoning)
  • Part B: (Core Subject Topics), and
  • Part C: (Application of Theoretical Concepts)

Part A consists of questions about general aptitude, science, and reasoning, which are common to all sections. Part B focuses on core topics specific to the Physics Syllabus, while Part C evaluates candidates’ ability to apply theoretical concepts to solve analytical problems in physical science. Start your preparation promptly and refer to the detailed syllabus for effective results.

CSIR NET Physics Syllabus PDF

You can download the CSIR NET Physics Syllabus PDF from the link facilitated here. Candidates should familiarise themselves with the syllabus provided by the authorities on their official website. By studying the syllabus in the PDF, candidates can enhance their preparation for the CSIR NET exam.

CSIR NET Physics Syllabus

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It encompasses numerous topics, including classical mechanics, electromagnetics, and more. Download the CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus PDF to elevate your exam preparation.

CSR NET Physics Syllabus Part A

For efficient exam preparation, candidates should allocate sufficient time for each and every section. Here is a summary of the topics in the first section of the CSIR NET Physical Science syllabus.

CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus For Part A



Data Interpretation and Graphical Analysis

Graph, Bar and Line Chart, Pie-Chart, Table, Mean, Median, Mode, Dispersion Measures.


Ranking and Arrangement, Distance and Direction, Series Formation, Puzzle, Decoding and Coding, Clock and Calendar.

Numerical Ability

Permutation and Combination, Work and Time, Simple and Compound Interest, Geometry, LCM and HCF, Proportion and Variation.

CSIR NET Physics Syllabus Part B and C

CSIR NET Physics syllabus for Part B and C emphasises the advanced and core topics. These sections require substantial preparation time as they hold considerable weightage in the exam.

CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus For Part B and C




Statistical and Thermodynamics Physics

Quantum Mechanics

Classical Mechanics

Experimental and Electronics Methods

Electromagnetic Theory

Mathematical Methods


Condensed Matter

Molecular Physics

Experimental Methods

Quantum Mechanics

Classical Mechanics


Nuclear and Particle Physics

Mathematical Methods

Marking Scheme For CSIR NET Physics Syllabus

The CSIR NET Physics Question Paper consists of 75 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), presented as a single paper test divided into three parts: Part A, B, and C. To understand the exam pattern and markings for all sections, please refer to the table provided below.



Total Marks


Negative Marks

Part- A





Part- C





Part- B








3 hours

This comprehensive article is a valuable resource for aspiring candidates who aim to pursue ahead as a Physics researcher or professor with the help of the CSIR NET exam. It provides details about the CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus, making it a solution for all your problems and exam preparation needs.

Frequently Asked Questions on CSIR NET Physics Syllabus


What is the CSIR NET Physics Syllabus?

The CSIR NET Physics Syllabus is divided into three sections: Part A, Part B, and Part C. Part A focuses on general aptitude, while Parts B and C consist of subject-based questions.


How to download the CSIR NET Physical Science Syllabus PDF?

The CSIR NET Physics Syllabus PDF can be easily obtained from the official website or the provided article. It is highly recommended that candidates thoroughly review the PDF as part of their exam preparation.


Does the CSIR NET Physics syllabus change every year?

The CSIR NET Physics Syllabus has remained unchanged for several years and has not undergone any recent modifications.


What is the CSIR NET Physical Science syllabus weightage?

The CSIR NET Physics syllabus is divided into three sections: Part A, Part B, and Part C. Part A is worth 30 marks, Part B is worth 70 marks, and Part C is worth 100 marks. Thus, the overall exam carries a total of 200 marks.