23 IITs to showcase R&D projects at IInvenTiv 2022; IIT, Delhi to host the fair

| Last Updated | September 27, 2022, 18:53 IST

The 23 Indian Institutes of Technology are arranging a 2 day Research and Development fair, where they will showcase different projects based on sustainability, smart city architecture, etc. The two day event will be conducted at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

IInvenTiv 2022: According to the latest notification released, all 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) will be coming forward to organise a research and development fair, IInvenTiv. The 2-day R&D programme will start on October 14 and end on October 15, 2022, and will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Various projects on climate change, sustainability, smart city architecture, rural agriculture, etc. will be showcased at the fair. The 10 broad themes which have been identified as focus areas of the event are as follows:

  • Defence and aeronautics
  • Healthcare (including devices and digital health)
  • Sustainability and the environment (including air, water, and rivers)
  • Clean energy and renewables (including hydrogen and electric vehicles)
  • Manufacturing (including smart, advanced, and industry 4.0)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain technologies (including quantum computing)
  • Smart Cities and Infrastructure (including Smart Mobility)
  • Technologies of communication (including education and 5G)
  • Robotics, Sensors, and Actuators
  • Semiconductors, flexible electronics, and nanotechnology

What are the different projects that will be showcased at IInvenTiv 2022?

A total of 75 projects brought by the 23 IITs have been shortlisted for the IIT Delhi and IIT research and development fair, along with six projects which will be showcased. As per the information received, IIT Kanpur will present a presentation on ongoing R&D in drone technology and how diverse its utilities have become.

IIT, Bombay will lead a presentation on the Bahubhaashak project, which focuses on enabling speech-to-speech translation, NPTEL, SWAYAM, and MOOCs videos in vernacular languages and is in line with the vision of the new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

On the other hand, IIT Madras will do a presentation on 5G Core and allied technologies, and IIT Delhi will do a presentation on R&D in the broader areas of climate change,etc. IIT Kharagpur will conduct a presentation on affordable healthcare devices and technologies, while IIT Hyderabad will do one on the technological innovations in the electric vehicle (EV) sector.

Officials from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), and the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), will be attending the conference.

About the Author

A young content writer who is passionate about everything related to food, traveling, fashion, and news. She has an aim to deliver content that is unfiltered, unbiased, and helpful at the same time. Talking about what she loves to do in her free time, well since she loves food and to travel therefore, cafe hopping, traveling while she reads about psychology, keeps her busy a lot.