| Last Updated | September 10, 2022, 10:12 IST
For the first time, CBSE will be providing a combined mark sheet cum pass certificate to the candidates, which can be accessed from DigiLocker. CBSE Class 10 Compartment results The CBSE class 10 compartment results have been declared by the CBSE board on 9 September 2022. Candidates can visit the official website of CBSE, cbse.gov.in to view their results. The exams were conducted from 23 August 2022 to 29 August 2022. Results for the candidates who have passed the regular exam but still appeared in the compartment exams for their marks improvement have also been declared. Candidates can check the results by visiting the following links:
  1. Results.cbse.nic.in
  2. Cbse.gov.in
  3. By downloading the mobile app from : web.umang.gov.in.

How to check CBSE Class 10 Compartment results?

  1. Go to the official website of the CBSE, cbse.gov.in.
  2. Click on the “Results” link.
  3. Now a new webpage consisting of list of results will open up.
  4. Click on the” Secondary School Compartment Examination (Class X) Results 2022 – Announced on 9th September 2022” link.
  5. The results portal will open up in the new tab.
  6. Enter your roll number, school number, date of birth, and admit card ID, then click on submit to view your result.
Candidates who are not satisfied with their marks can opt for re-evaluations of their answer scripts. The online facility for providing scanned copies of the candidate’s answer book and the re-evaluation application process will start soon. In its press release, CBSE has notified that for the first time the candidates will be provided a combined mark sheet cum pass certificate. The combined certificate has been uploaded along with the results, and it is available in DigiLocker. Candidates can log in to their Digi locker account by visiting digilocker.gov.in.