Meet the new Aakash Byju's champions of JEE Advanced Result 2022

| Created | September 12, 2022, 08:57 IST
  jee advanced result JEE Advanced 2022: Aakash Byju's students have proved yet again that with right planning, determination and hardwork everything is possible in life. Recently the IIT released the list of candidates who have successfully cleared JEE Advanced. And we are proud to announce that our student Tanishka Kabra has grabbed the position of AIR 1 in the female category and AIR 16 in the overall category. Tanishka was enrolled in our four year classroom programme. The inspiration to become an engineer came to Tanishka from her elder sister who is also an Aakash Byju’s alumnus. Tanishka’s sister got enrolled in our two year programme and was preparing for NEET. After looking at all the positive changes that came in her sister after taking admission in Aakash Byju’s, Tanishka got sure of one fact that to prepare for her race she also needs a trusted source. She knew that the path to achieve her goal of becoming an engineer was not easy and she needed the best resources to achieve it. She went through the study material, planner and schedule that was given to her sister and was impressed by it. Unlike her sister Tanishka joined the 4 year classroom programme because she knew she needed a strong base to move forward and for that she had to start early. Know her success story by watching the video mentioned here.

Aakash BYJU’S JEE Advanced Toppers

Our next topper is Jaladhi Joshi from Bombay, who is all for learning from her failures and moving forward with her determination. Following the footsteps of her elder brother, an Aakash Byju’s alumnus, Jaladhi was enrolled in our 5 year classroom programme. From a very young age Jaladhi knew that she wanted to take admission in IIT Bombay just like her brother. She was ready to fight every challenge that came in her way. And today with her will, strong planning and with the help of the amazing faculty of Aakash Byju’s she has secured AIR 32. Know her story through her words, from the link mentioned here. Almost every person living on this planet has heard β€œConsistency is the key to success” but there are only a few who actually follow it. And one of these few people is Ananya Rao who has achieved her goal of clearing JEE Advanced and has secured an AIR 91. A happening college life is all that every student wants in his/her life. Just like all the students of her age, Ananya also dreamt of the same thing. She used to follow the campus life of IIT and got very inspired by it. With the support of her brother and dedicated teachers of Aakash Byju’s Ananya has achieved her goal of entering into the happening life of IIT. Want to know more about her experience? Click on the link below. Following what you love is the best way to succeed in life. Our AIR 99 holder Hemanshu Garg believes that if a person loves something then he/she does not need outer motivation. Inner motivation is enough to drive smoothly. Hemanshu knew only one thing: that he loved Science, and wanted to do something in that field. But of course one needs a good support system also to make an actual fruit out of a seed. In Hemanshu’s life that support system was his parents and the goal-oriented faculty of Aakash Byju’s. Hemanshu got enrolled in our 5 year classroom programme and saw the interesting methods of teaching and eventually started having fun while studying and fell in love with the field of Science. Watch the story of how Himanshu fell more in love with science, through his words by watching the video mentioned below. Proper time management is the most important part of achieving a goal. Mridul Gupta knew that discipline in life is important to do something in life and to make him understand that Aakash Byju’s played a pivotal role. Mridul joined Aakash Byju’s in 9th standard. After joining the institute he started enjoying studying even more and then there was no going back for him. He understood that to achieve his goal Aakash Byju’s is the right place. And today with an AIR 148 he has made Aakash Byju’s proud. Learn more about Mridul’s experience through his words, by watching the video mentioned below. Analysing a shortcoming and overcoming it is a very important thing, if one wants to achieve his/ her dream. Our next Aakash Byju’s JEE Advanced Topper Sahil Kumar understood this at a very young age. The path of his dream was not easy, but instead of becoming demotivated, he instead learned from his failures and moved forward. He also knew that he enjoyed studying Science and joined Aakash Byju’s NTSE class. in 10th standard. He saw the culture and the teaching procedure and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was then when he realised that this is what he wants to do in future and that joining Aakash Byju’s will be the best option for him to achieve his goal of becoming an engineer. And then the rest is history, with the help of Aakash Byju's encouraging staff and hardwork, Himanshu moved forward and has secured AIR 242 in JEE Advanced 2022. Click on the link below to know more about Sahil’s experience. Next in line is Kanak Barfa with an AIR 189. Since Kanak was a kid he loved challenging himself in doing better. And today that thrill of challenging and the supportive and dedicated faculty of Aakash Byju’s has helped him to win one of the biggest challenges in achieving his goal which was to join IIT. Kanak has not only secured a place in top 200 list of JEE Advanced toppers but has also taken the badge of IIT Kanpur Zone topper. Know Kanak’s success mantra through his words. The next member of our never ending toppers list is Vedant Tyade, who has secured AIR 218 and has made his family proud. Vedant was enrolled in our 2 year programme. Vedant, like every young child, used to get excited after watching new cars. Since 4th class he knew that he loved cars and wanted to do something which can keep him close to cars. With the love for automobiles in his mind, Vedant joined Aakash Byju’s to come one step closer to the aim of becoming a mechanical engineer. And today with the help of dedicated staff of Aakash Byju’s and his own determination Vedant has crossed the biggest hurdle of becoming an auto-mobile engineer. Watch his story of why he chose to enter this field. Our next JEE Advanced 2022 champion is Sujan Jain , who has secured AIR 248. Sujan joined Aakash through ANTHE in 9th class. He knew that the path of clearing JEE is not easy and the syllabus is very intensive. Sujan knew that he wanted a platform which is trusted, dedicated and supportive. Therefore he joined Aakash Byju’s and today has become a proud Aakash Byju's alumnus. Learn the importance of understanding the exam pattern and syllabus before preparing for a competitive examination, through his story mentioned below. The list of toppers at Aakash Byju’s is never ending. Recently the NEET 2022 result was also announced, and just like always our Aakash Byjuites stood out from the crowd and secured an amazing result. For more such inspirational stories, visit our youtube channel Aakash BYJU’s is proud of all its students and wishes them good luck for their future ventures!

About the Author

A young content writer who is passionate about everything related to food, traveling, fashion, and news. She has an aim to deliver content that is unfiltered, unbiased, and helpful at the same time. Talking about what she loves to do in her free time, well since she loves food and to travel therefore, cafe hopping, traveling while she reads about psychology, keeps her busy a lot.