List of CSIR NET Subjects

CSIR NET Subjects: CSIR NET is a prominent examination conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in India. It is a qualifying test for candidates aspiring to pursue research and lectureship positions in various scientific disciplines.

CSIR NET exam covers a wide range of subjects, ensuring that candidates from different science backgrounds can showcase their knowledge and expertise in their respective subjects. Some of the major CSIR NET subjects include Mathematics, Life Science, Earth Science etc. Each subject is designed to assess the candidates’ knowledge in their respective disciplines. In this post, we have mentioned a comprehensive list of CSIR NET Subjects and the topics covered under it.

CSIR NET Subjects

CSIR NET exam is divided into three parts: A, B, and C. While Part A is common in all subjects and will test candidates’ general aptitude, Part B and Part C will contain subject-specific questions. Through subject-specific sections, candidates’ knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and research aptitude will be tested.

CSIR NET exam covers five subjects, namely, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, Chemical Science, and Mathematics. When filling out the application form, candidates must select their desired subject, which should be the one they have completed their postgraduation in.

CSIR NET Subjects List

CSIR NET subjects provide a wide range of research opportunities for aspiring scientists and scholars. It is crucial to select the appropriate subject that aligns with one’s interests and academic background to excel in the CSIR NET exam. Here is a brief overview of the subjects included in CSIR NET to assist you in making an informed decision about the subject that suits you best.

  1. Chemical Sciences: This subject covers various branches of chemistry, including organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and theoretical chemistry. Chemical Sciences play a vital role in drug discovery, material synthesis, environmental studies, and understanding chemical reactions at a molecular level.
  2. Earth Sciences: This subject deals with the study of the Earth, its structure, composition, and processes. It includes subjects such as geology, geophysics, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, and environmental sciences.

Research in Earth Science subject aids in understanding natural phenomena, climate change, natural resource management, and geological hazards. It offers opportunities in industries related to mineral exploration, environmental consulting, weather forecasting, and research institutions.

  1. Life Sciences: Life Sciences revolve around the study of living organisms, their structure, function, behaviour, and interactions with the environment. It includes topics such as microbiology, biotechnology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and developmental biology. Research in Life Sciences contributes to advancements in medicine, agriculture, genetics, and biotechnology.
  2. Mathematical Sciences: Mathematical Sciences involve the study of mathematical principles, theories, and their applications in various fields. It covers subjects like pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, and operations research. Research in Mathematical Science subject aids in solving complex problems, optimization, data analysis etc.
  3. Physical Sciences: Physical Sciences is about the study of the fundamental principles governing the physical world. Physical Science subject covers areas such as physics, electronics, solid-state physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics. Candidates must have a strong foundation in mathematical and analytical skills to understand this subject.

Frequently Asked Questions on CSIR NET Subjects


What are CSIR NET Subjects?

CSIR NET exam includes 5 subjects. These subjects are Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Chemical Science, and Mathematics. Candidates must select one subject from the CSIR NET subject list to crack the exam.


How many CSIR NET Subjects are there?

There are 5 CSIR NET Subjects, namely, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, Chemical Science, and Mathematics. Candidates must choose their desired subject while filling out the application form.


How to select CSIR NET Subject?

Candidates applying for the exam can choose the CSIR NET subject in which they have completed their postgraduation. If the subject of postgraduation is not mentioned in CSIR NET subject list, you can choose a subject that aligns with your course.


What are the best subjects for CSIR NET?

Among all the five CSIR NET subjects, Life Science and Chemical Science are considered the best subjects. These subjects play a major role in drug discovery, advancements in medicine & agriculture etc.