NIOS Senior Secondary Course Syllabus for Geography

Geography is a very important subject that is devoted to the study of air, water, climate, environment, soil, vegetation and phenomena of the Earth and other planets.

Geography is the study of the description of the earth’s surface. A course in Geography at the senior secondary level helps students analyse the basic terminologies of Geography, the Earth’s surface, phenomena on the earth, physical and human environment, the purpose of geography, identifying physical and cultural features on a map, study and representation of data of maps and more.

The syllabus for the senior secondary level – Geography is divided into twelve units and thirty-two chapters including the practicals. Among which the first nine units with twenty-nine chapters are compulsory and the last two units with six chapters are optional. The total duration of the lesson plan is 248 hours, which has been distributed according to the topics, subtopics and practical Geography.

NIOS Senior Secondary Course Syllabus for Geography

Students should analyse the syllabus properly before starting their preparations.

Check the links below for more information about each chapter in the NIOS senior secondary course syllabus for group B – Geography.

To view the chapter details, click on the relevant link:

Unit 1:The Study of Geography as a Discipline

Chapter 1: Nature of Geography as a Discipline

Unit 2: Changing Face of the Earth

Chapter 2: Earth’s Interior and its Material

Chapter 3: Dynamic Surface of the Earth

Chapter 4: Evolution of Landforms due to Internal Forces

Chapter 5: The Work of Running Water and Underground Water

Chapter 6: The Work of Moving Ice, Wind and Sea Waves

Chapter 7: Major Landforms and their Economic Significance

Unit 3: The Domain of the Water on the Earth

Chapter 8: Ocean: Submarine Relief and Circulation of Ocean Water

Unit 4: The Domain of Air on the Earth

Chapter 9: Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere

Chapter 10: Insolation and Temperature

Chapter 11: Atmospheric Pressure and Winds

Chapter 12: Humidity and Precipitation

Chapter 13: Weather and Climate

Unit 5: The Domain of Life on the Earth

Chapter 14: Biosphere

Chapter 15: Biomes

Unit 6: Physical Setting of India

Chapter 16: India – Physical Features

Chapter 17: Climate of India

Chapter 18: Natural Disasters

Unit 7: Natural Resources and Their Development in India

Chapter 19: Our Resources

Chapter 20: Land, Soil and Vegetation Resources in India

Chapter 21: Our Water Resources

Unit 8: Economic Activities and Infrastructural Development in India

Chapter 22: Land Use and Agriculture

Chapter 23: Development of Mineral and Energy Resources

Chapter 24: Industrial Development

Chapter 25: Transport, Communication and Trade in India

Unit 9: Human Resource and their Development in India

Chapter 26: Population Density, Distribution and Growth in India

Chapter 27: Population Composition in India

Chapter 28: Human Development

Chapter 29: Human Settlement

Optional Units

Unit 10: Local Area Planning

Chapter 30: Local Area Planning

Chapter 31: Recommendations through Case Studies

Chapter 32: Data Collection, Processing and Analysis

Unit 11: Geography of Tourism in India

Chapter 30: Tourism – Concept, Resources and Development

Chapter 31: Development of Infrastructure and Growth of Tourism

Chapter 32: Prospects and Problems of Tourism

Unit 12: Practical Geography

Map and its Elements

Map Interpretation

Statistical Diagrams

Practical Record and Viva Voice

We at BYJU’S provide the detailed curriculum for the NIOS senior secondary course and the mark-wise weightage for every chapter to have a good idea of the exam pattern.


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