
What is MDR full form?

Multiple Drug Resistant is the full form of MDR.You can read about mRNA Vaccine: Overview, Mechanism and Advantage in the given link. Further... View Article

What companies use AR?

Automobile companies like Jaguar, manufacturing companies, companies in the entertainment industry like MTV, furniture companies like IKEA etc.... View Article

What are the types of AR?

The different types of Augmented Reality (AR) are Outlining AR, location-based AR, Superimposition AR, Projection-based AR.You can read about... View Article

Where is AR used?

Augmented Reality (AR) is used in the entertainment industry, medicine, education sector, defence sector, manufacturing etc.You can read about... View Article

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality (VR) is a completely computer-generated three-dimensional environment that is displayed either on a computer screen or through... View Article