
A food stall owner was preparing dough for making bhaturas. He added a pinch of yeast and sugar to the dough and left it in a warm place. After few hours, the dough had risen. There was a sour smell too. (a) Why did the dough rise? (b) Why did the dough smell sour? (c) Why was sugar added to the dough? (d) What would have happened if the dough was kept in the refrigerator, soon after it was prepared?

a) Yeast are the single cell organisms which perform anaerobic respiration. The dough rose because of the release of carbon dioxide which is a... View Article

Paheli participated in a 400 m race competition held at her school and won the race. When she came home she had mixed feelings of joy and pain as she had cramps in her leg muscles. After a massage, she was relieved of the pain. Answer the following questions related to the situation. (a) What can be the possible reasons for the pain in her legs? (b) Why did she feel comfortable after a massage?

a) During heavy exercise like running a deficiency of oxygen is created in the muscle cells. This deficiency leads to anaerobic respiration in... View Article

Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (a) The roots of a plant take up oxygen from the ______ trapped between the ________ particles. (b) Diaphragm forms the ___________ of the chest cavity. (c) Exchange of gases in the leaves takes place with the help of __________. (d) Cockroaches breathe with the help of air tubes called ___________.

a) The roots of a plant take up oxygen from the air trapped between the soil particles. The roots use up the oxygen available to them from the... View Article