
Read the following statements and give the appropriate terms for each of them. (a) The process of breakdown of rocks by the action of wind, water, sunlight. (b) Removal of topsoil during heavy rains or strong winds. (c) Accumulation of wastes in the soil generated by human activity which alter the features of the soil. (d) The process of movement of water into deeper layers of soil.

(a) Weathering The scenes of the world are continuously mutating. Sun, rain, frost, and wind are breaking down even the most solid of the rocks... View Article

Read the following statements with reference to the soil. i) Weathering is a very fast process of soil formation. ii) Percolation of water is faster in sandy soils. iii) Loamy soil contains only sand and clay. iv) Topsoil contains the maximum amount of humus. Choose the correct statements from the above. (a) (ii) and (iv) (b) (i) and (iii) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (ii)

a) (ii) and (iv) Statements (ii) and (iv) are correct. Options (i) and (iii) are wrong. (i) Weathering is a slow process of soil formation... View Article

Three statements are provided here which define the terms – (a) sludge (b) sewage and (c) wastewater. Pick out the correct definition for each of these terms. (a) The settled solids that are removed in wastewater treatment with a scraper. (b) Water from the kitchen used for washing dishes. (c) Wastewater released from homes, industries, hospitals and other public buildings.

a) The settled solids that are removed in wastewater treatment with a scraper. Sludge - It is the collection of settled solids that are removed... View Article

Given below is a jumbled sequence of the processes involved in a wastewater treatment plant. Arrange them in their correct sequence. (a) Sludge is scraped out and skimmer removes the floating grease. (b) Water is made to settle in a large tank with a slope in the middle. (c) Large objects like plastic bags are removed by passing wastewater through bar screens. (d) Sand, grit and pebbles are made to settle by decreasing the speed of incoming wastewater. (e) Wastewater enters a grit and sand removal tank.

The major aim of wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the suspended solids as possible before the remaining water, called effluent, is... View Article