
For setting curd, a small amount of curd is added to warm milk. The microbes present in the curd help in setting if the temperature of the mixture remains approximately between 35°C to 40°C. At places, where room temperature remains much below the range, the setting of curd becomes difficult. Suggest a way to set curd in such a situation.

Answer: In order to maintain the desired temperature container with curd should be wrapped with woollen or any other insulator. Curd can also be... View Article

Boojho has three thermometers as shown in Figure. He wants to measure the temperature of his body and that of boiling water. Which thermometer (s) should he choose? (a) Thermometer (i) or (iii) for measuring body temperature and (ii) for measuring the temperature of boiling water. (b) Thermometer (i) for measuring the temperature of both. (c) Thermometer (ii) for measuring the temperature of both. (d) Thermometer (iii) for measuring the temperature of both.

Answer: (a) Thermometer (i) or (iii) for measuring body temperature and (ii) for measuring the temperature of boiling water. Image (i) and (iii)... View Article

Paheli and Boojho measured their body temperature. Paheli found her’s to be 98.6 °F and Boojho recorded 37°C. Which of the followng statement is true? (a) Paheli has a higher body temperature than Boojho. (b) Paheli has a lower body temperature than Boojho. (c) Both have a normal body temperature. (d) Both are suffering from fever.

Answer: (c) Both have a normal body temperature. Degree Celsius and Fahrenheit are two scales of temperature measurement. Normal body temperature... View Article