Relations with Bangladesh still remain the brightest spot in India’s neighbourhood diplomacy. Elucidate.
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920 Days ago
As we moving towards rapid modernisation and rising pressure on ports when it comes to international trade navigation and port development considering the international trade port will take major role when it comes carrying cargoes are concerned with this all maritime security and port development is very much important as well we must consider the environment degradation and sea water pollution oil leakage marine life health problems seashore erosion costal vegetation degradation costal ecosystem degradation these are concerns we must take into consideration we should reconsider when it comes to environmental degradation and our future sustainability and we cannot ignore development only on the environment degradation we mangae our coastal areas with less harmed and make sure that resources are exploiting in sustainable manner and marine health should be taken care of as well as plant coastal vegetation and mantain sufficient checks on oil leakages and accidental events and we shall take middle path to save our coastal areas and also develop sustainably
921 Days ago
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