
What Is Third Spacing?

Third spacing is an obsolete term describing the movement of fluids of body fluid from the blood, into the spaces between cells. It takes place... View Article

What Is Hydronephrosis?

The urinary tract is primarily functional in eliminating fluids and other wastes from the body. Hydronephrosis is the condition in which the... View Article

What Is Endothelin?

Endothelins are powerful vasoconstrictors and are produced by the endothelial cells of the renal blood vessels, cells of DCT and mesangial cells.... View Article

What Stimulates ANP?

ANP triggers vasodilation of the afferent arteriole of glomerulus. This leads to an increase in the renal blood flow and a rise in the glomerular... View Article

Is ANP A Diuretic?

Atrial Natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a tiny peptide released by the heart on atrial stretch and increased systemic blood pressure. It stimulates... View Article