
What is zero angle?

An angle with zero degrees measurement is called zero angles. The zero angle is an angle the measure of which is 0 regardless of the unit of... View Article

What is vascular bundle?

A vascular bundle is a part of the transport system in vascular plants which is comprise two tissues. Vascular bundle consists of xylem and... View Article

Two poles of equal height are standing opposite to each other on either side of the road which is 80 m wide. From a point P b/w then on-road, the angle of elevation of the top of a pole is 60°and the angle of depression from the top of another pole at point P is 30°. Find the heights of the poles and distances of the point P from the poles.

Let AB and CD be the two poles of equal height standing on the two sides of the road of width 80 m. AC = 80 m Let AP = x then PC = 80 – x P is... View Article