
What Are Floaters?

Floaters are also called Muscae Volitantes. These are the deposits of varying shapes and sizes, refractive index, consistency, and motility in... View Article

What Is Phantosmia?

It is the ability to smell odours that are not actually present. The most common odours are unpleasant smells such as feces, rotting flesh,... View Article

What Causes Sore Tongue?

Sore tongue is typically caused by a form of trauma such as eating piping-hot, biting tongue consuming a highly acidic drink or food. The tongue... View Article

What Is Amygdala?

It forms a structure in the limbic system, it is a small almond-shaped structure found deep in the anteroinferior area of the temporal lobe. It... View Article

What Is Cerumen?

Cerumen is the medical term for earwax. It is a yellowish substance, waxy in nature which is secreted in the ear canal of many mammals including... View Article